Many people believe that people are separate from each other and because of this, we treat each other how we want. If we believed that we weren’t separate, we would not have racism, sexism and other societal things that cause people harm. These are things that come out of the belief that people are separate and that there are those that are worthless beings.
While we are separate in our bodies, we are not separate in the spiritual world. When someone dies, their body goes into the ground but what happens with the soul? Some believe that people don’t have a soul and they believe that there is no continuation of life after death.
Getting Rid of the Idea of Separation
You might be someone that believes in the afterlife, or you might be someone that has found that there are energies where there is a soul connection. You might have lost someone that you feel connected with even after their death and this might be confusing to you.
If you have never felt separated from someone but still feel a strong connection to their spirit, then you probably haven’t experienced the physical and spiritual part of a person. People that you don’t know might not have that connection with you and you might feel totally separate from these people.
When you feel separate from someone, this can be part of the ego and it can be part of the idea of separating the human race or the idea of feeling that you are better than other people.
Most people need to get rid of the idea of separation. This is a healing time and when you can get rid of this, you can see that it can change your life and the lives of those around you.
You might be able to start seeing that people aren’t separate from you and that you exist in the same kinds of energies all over the area. You might see that energy will come into your life so that you can see that you are not separate and that you are actually connected.
Death is something that some people don’t believe can separate them from others. They believe that death only brings them close to those that they love. The idea of being connected to the spiritual part of other people is an idea that you can actually communicate with them and see that they are still around. They can give you signs, and you can see synchronicities that continue to happen because of this connection.
Life Parallel
Life parallel will show you that you don’t always know others around you and that you aren’t separate when it goes on a soul level. There are different connections that you will have with people in your life, and this is a pattern that will repeat as you meet new people.
Life parallels will show you that you have a deep soul connection with people that are important to you in your life.
Talking in the Afterlife
There is power in communicating with someone in the afterlife. You can find that they will show up and give you signs to prove that they are there. You will see that the energies that they left behind are still connected to you.
You can look at the signs to know that you are still connected such as:
- Songs with the right lyrics.
- Messages from the deceased person from a stranger.
- Gifts such as coins or feathers.
Healing from Separation
As you get messages from the spirit world you will see that you are not separate from them. You will see that their energies will align with yours and that you can communicate and talk to those that have passed on to the other side.
Final Thoughts
There are many energies that come when someone dies and the death of a loved one can be very painful for you. As you live your life here on earth and your loved one is in the afterlife, you can see that your deceased loved one has left you signs that they are still around.
There will be many synchronicities of energies that can show that you are still aligned with the deceased loved one and this can help you to heal from the separation.