Many people believe that angels are always close to you to protect you and bless you. How would you know if your angel was close to you? The angels that come close to you will often show you signs that they are close.
An angel is a messenger, and this means that they will connect with you and will communicate with you and send you messages. This happens as you live your normal life.
Most people are always busy, and they don’t take time to realize that their angels are sending them signs. Some will see a feather and just go on about their day like that wasn’t just a sign. Other people think things through too much and so they ignore the messages on purpose. An angel might be trying to get your attention so that you will notice them so they can help you to make the best decisions in your life.
You can ask your angels to guide you and to give you instructions. They are your friends, and they want to help you. You can find out what your angels mean to you, and you can see the light of their energies around your life. Keep your heart and mind open and you can find out what your angels want to share with you.
Here are some of the signs that your angels are close by:
- Cloud Shapes
Do you ever look at cloud shapes and try to name what you see? One sign from your angels could be in the clouds. You might see a cloud that looks like the shape of an angel or that looks like the shape of a heart. You may even see something that you love and notice the shape of the cloud in that. This can be a sign that your angels are there to show you they are close.
- Smells
Think of a smell that makes you feel happy inside. This might be of a flower that you love, an item baking in the oven or even just a perfume. Your angels can give you the smells that you love out of nowhere. If you are walking outside and you get a whiff of your favorite smell, this can be your angels that are trying to show you that they are near.
- Feathers
A feather or multiple feathers can be a sign that your angels want to connect with you. If you keep finding feathers wherever you are, this is probably not happening by accident. Some will see feathers that are white, and some will see other colors. This can also mean that you have a loved one that is close to you.
- Beautiful Music
One way that your angels can get your attention is through a song. If you are listening to the radio and your favorite song comes on, this can be from your angel. You might also have a song that you haven’t heard in a long time that plays so that you feel loved and peaceful.
- Birds
Sometimes a bird will come into your vision that you never saw before. This can be a sign that your angel is letting you know that they love you. Beyond birds, you might even see butterflies or other insects that have beautiful wings. This is something unusual to help catch your eye.
- Pennies
Everyone always says, “find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck.” This can go beyond luck, and it can be a blessing that your angel is trying to show you. They want you to know that they are supporting you and that they are here.
- Talking to People
Some people will tell you things that just blow your mind. This can be a message that they want to give you. On top of that, you might get a sign from a billboard or a magazine that is open to just the right message. Pay attention to these things.
- Things that Sparkle
When things sparkle and are pretty to look at, this can be your angels trying to make you smile. These can come in different colors and can bring energy that shows that you are being guided and that you are going on the right path.
- Rainbows
Seeing a rainbow never gets old. Some believe that you can find gold at the end of it. The rainbow is a sign of peace and love. This sign can be encouraging and happy for you.
- Feeling Them
You might know that your angels are close to you when you feel something or someone close to you. Your angels might be trying to talk to you or to show you that they are with you and so they can even appear to you. Maybe you are just getting chill bumps, or you feel the hair on your neck stand at end, these are other signs.
- Magical Numbers
Do you see numbers that keep repeating themselves? 111 or 222? These are even called Angel numbers because they are sent by your angels to give you signs. Pay attention to these numbers and try to find out what they mean. If you see them repeat over and over, look at numerology and try to figure them out.
- Dreaming
Sometimes, people will have dreams of angels. This can be your angels trying to give you a certain message. You can write your dreams down and then you will know what the dreams mean and why you are having them. You might even have a conversation with your angels in your dream.
When you wake up, try, and write down every detail of your dream so that you won’t forget what your angel guide is trying to tell you.
Final Thoughts
Your angels love you and want to guide you. They want to help you to make the best choices in your life. Take time to thank your angels for giving you signs to show you that they are close by. Let your angels bless you and bring you love.